Our highly impressive bios—in other words, our lists of accomplishments and the lineage of our knowledge (accolades, awards, teachers, academic achievements, etc.) are not shown here. Not only are they a little boring, but this omission is part of an ongoing conversation about subverting implicit hierarchies while not downplaying our strength and badassery as accomplished women. We honor the history, wisdom, knowledge, and education that we've worked hard to come by. We are proud of our awards and achievements AND we want to share our present, unfinished selves with you in the limited time we have to bend your ear.
When all life is cherished equally, we can begin to work together for the benefit of all. Then and only then can we create a world where everyone is looked after and no one is harmed. To read more about the healing and the brokenness that is informing our creative process, check out our blog post "repairing a broken world."

We are wordy processors. If you're interested in what we're talking about and thinking about as a company, this is a good place to start. (Pic above is from The Shame Project)